Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some Day My Prince Will Come

I smiled today as I watched my son, Jake, say goodbye to his fiancĂ©, Cheryl. They have had a long, three year separation since he has been away at school. I smiled because this will be their last goodbye! When he comes home in May they will be together and they’ll never have to say that word again. I’m pretty surprised at how fast the time has gone. Seems like just yesterday he asked Matt and I what we thought of him going to Tennessee for school. Now he will be graduating in four weeks!
When Jake first told Cheryl that he was going away…she cried. She didn’t know how they were going to endure the separation. They tried to grow as a couple from a distance! They talked every single day. It was painful for the rest of us to watch. We were happy when they were together and sad when they had to be apart!
Everything God created in earth is a picture of something to point us to a principle about Himself. And today I am reminded of the words of my beloved “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself…that your joy may be full!!!”
Hang in there…..on the day that our Prince arrives….there will be NO MORE Sadness… no more tears… more Sorrow….No more GOODBYES!!!!
Even so Lord Jesus….COME QUICKLY!!!